This is Aalto. A Professional theme for
architects, construction and interior designers

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531 West Avenue, NY

Mon - Sat 8 AM - 8 PM


Our style is rooted in the masters of the Milanese school and draws on Northern Europe with its laboratory of ideas and experimentation. Inventing, redefining and experimenting are the pillars of the design culture of DC10, an architecture firm founded in Milan in 2005.

The starting point of our method is the collection of information in preparation for a methodical analysis of the de facto state of the site and its potential design development. This enables the project’s tangible factors, such as economic, regulatory, and environmental constraints, to be combined with abstract elements guided by the client’s needs, the history of the spaces, and their context.

The firm

DC10 is an architecture firm studio, a laboratory of ideas in which the different professional and creative figures of design converge. The team of collaborators, made up of architects, engineers and interior designers, is coordinated by Arch. Marco Vigo and Engineer Giorgio Piliego in a flexible geometry that allows a high degree of organization and responsiveness to different design scenarios.

From urban regeneration and office buildings to the development of residential complexes and renovations, this plastic dynamism is possible by setting measurable goals, pursuing ambitious but achievable ideas.

A think tank that is energetic and evolving, with a wide portfolio of projects both in Italy and overseas.

Two partners with distinct and complementary profiles, whose work is characterized by creative research, efficient execution and originality in the harmonization of the structural, conceptual and technological aspects. A firm in which the exchange between disciplines succeeds in combining design with planning and economic assessment.

The workspace

The physical space of our work is the manifesto of our thinking. Studio DC10 is based in a former Milanese carpentry workshop, which has been recovered and transformed into a laboratory for architecture. Located in the center of Milan, near the Arena (stadium), the space is immersed in the traditional urban fabric but is characterized by a modelling of the environments arising from contemporary needs.

The spatial redefinition uses the “floor” element as a matrix to generate “solids and voids.” This creates a large open space punctuated by large skylights through which a diffused zenithal light enters, an environment that can be configured into infinite variations. The subtraction of parts of the existing floor also allows the creation of a fully glazed patio that features greenery. A continuity is created between the outdoor and indoor vegetation, in a continuum that amplifies the space and blurs the distinction between open and closed.

In addition to the central work area, the space is equipped with two meeting rooms, a materials library, a library, a projection space, a dining/relaxation room and three private offices. There are also workstations in the patio, part of a vision that focuses on the well-being of users.

The design is mainly composed of environmentally friendly materials and the harmony of the environments is provided by a game of contrasts in colours and materials. The structural elements have been returned to their natural state of exposed concrete.



Marco Vigo

Founder Partner | Architect

Caratteristica saliente dell' Arch. Vigo risiede nella sua capacità di far transitare l’approccio creativo dell’architetto dal piano dell’ideazione a quello della relazione a quello della gestione.
Il gesto creativo intangibile, così, evolve nella sua componente fattiva generando nuove relazioni e sinergie commerciali e tecniche capaci di dare impulso e identità forte a ciascun progetto. “Fare squadra” è un’espressione che torna spesso nella sua filosofia: montare strutture operative con ruoli e potenzialità peculiari, capaci di dare sempre “valore aggiunto”.
Marco Vigo si laurea in Architettura presso il Politecnico di Milano e lavora in Germania su vari interventi di valorizzazione architettonica coordinando, per lo Studio Henn, progetti per importanti marchi come BMW, Audi e Volkswagen. Successivamente ritorna in Italia ed apre la propria attività professionale fondando nel 2005 Studio DC10.

Giorgio Piliego

Partner | Engineer

Il termine “sintesi” è certamente quello che meglio descrive il valore dell'Ing. Piliego nel tessuto di Studio DC10. La sua formazione di ingegnere lo ha portato nel tempo ad operare in ambiti edili con specializzazione strutturale, nella sicurezza e nel project management. Collegamento fondamentale tra la funzione più strategica e creativa dell'Arch. Marco Vigo, il suo intervento è volto a rendere costruttive le idee. La creazione di un rapporto dialettico tra le parti e la definizione di schemi d’azione efficaci permettono di garantire una risposta rapida e incisiva alle esigenze e ai bisogni della committenza.
Giorgio Piliego si laurea nel 1996 in Ingegneria presso il Politecnico di Milano. Nel 1998 apre la propria società di consulenza ingegneristica collaborando con Achille Castiglioni e Michele De Lucchi, Citterio, Ishimoto Europe, Park Associati e Cino Zucchi. Nel 2005 avvia la sua collaborazione con Studio DC10 di cui nel 2014 diventa partner.

Interior designer






Construction Engineer


Sarah Rampazzo Architect | Ilaria Melzi Architect | Eleonora Ravagli Ingegnere | Emanuela Ciocca Engineer | Alessandra Sivieri Architect |  Michele Ferretti Engineer | Michele Lamontanara Architect | Thomas Parascandolo Architect | Valeria Mangerini Architect | Carmine Colangiuli Architect | Ilaria Lari Architect | Niccolò Brogelli Architect | Alessandro Lori Architect | Simone Ferrara Architect | Marco Foppiani Engineer | Stefano Scalone Architect | Luca Casaroli Architect | Angeliki Vafidis Architect | Caterina Squaiella Architect | Maria Chiara Sicari Architect | Daniele Del Grosso Architect  | Chiara Banfi Architect | Margherita Bartorelli Interior Designer | Guido Bigongiali Architect | Martina Caglioni Interior Designer | Claudio Carlini Architect | Carmine De Chirico Architect | Roberta D’Elia Architect | Daniela De Luca Architect | Denni Giannotti Architect | Federico Guarini Architect | Enrica Guarneri Engineer | Piter Perbellini Interior Designer | Stefano Pugliese Architect | Andrea Mariani Architect | Valerio Moretta Interior Designer | Stefano Nardini Architect | Gaia Nodari Interior Designer | Gerardo Semprebon Architect | Aris Sfikas Architect | Riccardo Trabattoni Interior Designer | Londra Valencia Architect
